Just Ask Estate Services acquires Personal Touch Cleaning Services
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Just Ask is a leading provider of facilities management services to registered social landlords, primarily in London and the South East. The company provides cleaning, grounds maintenance, security, walking watch and environmental services to over 120,000 residents. Just Ask is backed by Bridges Fund Management, whose core investment themes are healthier lives, future skills, stronger communities and sustainability.
Established over 35 years ago, Personal Touch Cleaning Services is a premium quality cleaning services business operating in London and the Home Counties. Personal Touch services over 200 sites with long-term client relationships across sectors including universities and higher education, residential property management, leisure and media.
The acquisition of Personal Touch Cleaning extends Just Ask’s market reach and strengthens the company’s capabilities, particularly in the higher education and residential property management sectors.
Metzger Business Search acted on a confidential basis for Personal Touch, carrying out research to identify potential buyers and providing support throughout the deal process to a successful conclusion for both parties in June 2021.
Tom Redpath, Investment Director, Bridges Fund Management comments: From the initial introduction and throughout the whole process to completion, Metzger were extremely professional and a pleasure to deal with. Personal Touch is a really positive addition to the Just Ask Estate Services group.
Alan Dougan, Managing Director, PT Cleaning comments: Working with Metzger was very easy and Mark’s input was invaluable throughout the whole process which made it all less daunting.